Sunday, 26 June 2011


STORY: This painting represents a spiritual journey through country (Birth, Life, Death)

The central "Y" shaped area leading from left to right signifies the flow of the natural progressions of life, birth and death

The orange and brown dots within the "Y" shape indicates your mother and father and how their blood flows through you regardless of where your journey takes you through life

The circle at the centre represents life force

The dots with blue highlights represent the spirits that watch over you as you journey through life

BIRTH: is represented at the bottom of the painting as new and flourishing wild flowers

LIFE: is depicted in the area where the fork appears in the "Y". Many changes and transformations as a person learns and grows.  Life is multi-faceted with many teachings 

DEATH: is illustrated at the top - ceremonial. Th black dots in this section indicates sorrow and sadness. A mortal life complete.   

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